Robotic Covers
Automotive Paint – Robot Covers:
We cover numerous styles of equipment in paint facilities worldwide
We partner with all robotic manufacturers to develop protective covers
for new and existing equipment -
Our covers are effective in many applications: Powder Coat/1K & 2K
Helps contain contaminates that can ruin a finish/job
Protect robot from problems due to overspray
Reduces maintenance and downtime
Unprecedented service
Average turnaround time for new products or modifications: 3.6 days
31% of work orders completed in 24 hours or less
All woven / washable products are laundered, inspected, and packaged in our clean room laundry
All non-woven / non-washable products are processed in our exclusive Aero-Particle Extractor (Patent Pending), then inspected and packaged in our clean room
We consistently check for fibers on random finished products using laser particle counting technology
We test all incoming raw materials for crater causing substances
We routinely perform tests for crater causing substances on random finished products
All sales, service, technical, and quality staff are trained in Paint Defect Analysis
We have a full time quality manager and on-site lab for testing
We maintain a complete fiber library of all TDIC products to assist in particle identification